Civil Construction & Industrial Services Project

Taranto: the foundations for the ore stockyards
The works in the former Ilva steel mill completed in 5 months

Demolition work at Zimella
The demolition of the piezometric towers in disuse in the province of Verona.

Demolition in Verona
Demolition of disused piezometric towers of the Verona steel plant.

Restoration of the TNA2 piezometric tower
Industrial Construction for the rehabilitation and structural adjustment water tower plant TNA / 2 of the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Cleaning interventions of the areas below belt conveyors
Industrial construction for cleaning interventions involving the areas below belt conveyors of the primary ore stockyards of ILVA Taranto.

Infrastructure for the Broadband Connectivity 2
Public infrastructure works for the provision of broadband 2 services in rural areas in the Emilia Romagna region affected by the digital divide.

Campolessi hydroelectric power plant
Renovation of the civil infrastructure, overhaul of the hydraulic components, and replacement of the turbines of the Campolessi hydroelectric power plant.

Foundation preparation
In 2016 work began on the preparation of the foundations for the new carbon coke quenching showers 5 and 6 at the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Rerouting of a public water course
Construction works for the rerouting of a public water course for hydroelectric use from the Serio river in the municipality of Casale Cremasco Vidolasco near Palata Malcontenta.

Ansaldo Energia plant
The entire building and plant engineering part of the new Ansaldo Energia facility in Genoa in which the maxi Gt36 turbines will be assembled was completed.

Alessandro Volta Hydroelectric Power Plant
Revamping of the Alessandro Volta hydroelectric power plant in Castel Madama (Rome) San Cosimato dam - Contract for the replacement of the bottom and flood sluice-gates.

Inland Coastal Road Direttrice Litoranea
Works for the construction of the inland coastal road from Taranto to Avetrana 1st section - 2nd part.

Limestone stockyard storage structure
Design and construction of limestone/secondary materials stockyard storage structure for the ILVA plant in Taranto.

BreBeMi Road Link
The road construction works are located in the hinterland of Brescia and were aimed at the construction of the city's connection with the new BreBeMi motorway.

Monte Bianco Cableway
Construction and assembly of all structural steelwork.

Infrastructure For Broadband Services
Public infrastructure works for the provision of broadband services 1st phase in rural areas in the Emilia Romagna region affected by the digital divide.

AFO 1 Revamping
Industrial construction for the revamping of blast furnace 1 of the ILVA steelworks in Taranto.

New fume extraction system
Excavation and demolition of existing filters in sphere of the construction of the new secondary fume extraction plant at the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Dust suppression systems
Industrial construction for the creation of dust suppression systems at the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Construction of dust containment barrier
Industrial construction for the construction of the system to capture dust along two sides of the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Slag storage structure
Construction of the slag storage structure for the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Valtorta Hydroelectric Power Plant
Construction of the civil works for the Valtorta hydroelectric power plant.

Cagnola Basin
Regional construction works for the reconstruction of the Cagnola Basin - phase 3 Tank L2.

Plant Construction and Maintenance
Building maintenance works, foundations and structures for new plants at the ILVA facility in Novi Ligure.

Resin pavement
Industrial construction for the realization of the resin pavement of the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Construction and Renovation ILVA Novi Ligure
Civil works for new industrial plants at the ILVA facility in Novi Ligure.

Construction and Renovation ILVA Genoa
Civil works for construction and renovation of the industrial plants at the ILVA facility in Genoa.

Slag Plant Foundations
Foundation construction for the condensation and granulation plant of the ILVA plant in Taranto.

Isola Dovarese Hydroelectric Power Plant
Construction of civil works for the Dovarese island hydroelectric power plant on the Oglio river - Municipality of Isola Dovarese - Cremona, Italy.

Corna Hydroelectric Power Plant
Construction of civil works for the Corna hydroelectric power plant.

Coal Storage Tower Restoration (Torre Fossile)
Industrial construction and restoration of three coal storage towers at the ILVA facility in Taranto.

Revamping of a Hydroelectric Power Plant
Revamping of the hydroelectric systems and the Fara Gera d'Adda hydroelectric power plant.

Construction of Fal 5 furnace - TNA2
Industrial construction and operations for the construction of a new furnace for the ILVA steel mill in Taranto.

Castello Gas Plant
Civil works for the Castello gas treatment and production plant.

Sillaro Gas Plant
Civil works for the construction of the Sillaro gas treatment and production plant.

Oxygen plant
Construction of a new oxygen production plant at the ILVA facility in Taranto.

Construction changing rooms/entrance
Construction of changing rooms at ILVA Taranto

Bardonecchia power plant penstock
Civil works for the installation of a penstock in the Bardonecchia power plant.

Revamping of CCO/1 - ACC/1
Construction for the revamping of the continuous casting line of the ILVA Taranto plant.

New hot galvanizing 2 plant
Construction of a new hot-dip galvanizing plant Coils no. 02 of the ILVA Novi Ligure facility.

Tank Farm
Construction of a Tank Farm for the regeneration of hydrochloric acid at the ILVA Taranto plant.