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Quarry&Construction Magazine: The mirror of reliability Press Review: Quarry&Construction Magazine
11 November 2019 | 2263
Press Review: Quarry&Construction Magazine

Quarry&Construction Magazine: The mirror of reliability

An interview with Giandomenico Cuscela, gm Site Taranto for ATB Group, on the construction of the foundations for the mineral parks covering of the ArcelorMittal steelworks. This is possible thanks to the CAT cranes that are part of the ATB fleet.

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Semat Taranto: new collaboration with ArcelorMittal Sinter and Omo yard coverings of the Taranto steelworks
18 October 2019 | 1999
Sinter and Omo yard coverings of the Taranto steelworks

Semat Taranto: new collaboration with ArcelorMittal

The Civil Construction& Industrial Services division of the ATB group, will be responsible for the construction of the Sinter and Omo yard coverings of the Taranto steelworks

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