Articles filtered for the category ATB RIVA CALZONI COLOMBIA

Ituango: $85 million order Ituango: new contract
06 February 2020 | 4424
Ituango: new contract

Ituango: $85 million order

ATB Group will manufacture the penstocks of one of the largest hydroelectric plants in Colombia.

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Alto Maipo: after the shafts, the gates Alto Maipo: after the shafts, the gates
20 December 2019 | 2001
Alto Maipo: after the shafts, the gates

Alto Maipo: after the shafts, the gates

More than fifty hydro-mechanical components will depart from the ATB Group facilities heading for the Chilean plant.

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Fintro Magazine nr. 3 is online Fintro Magazine nr.3
18 June 2018 | 1857
Fintro Magazine nr.3

Fintro Magazine nr. 3 is online

The issue nr.3 of Fintro Magazine is now online. Download it from our website. The periodical of ATB Riva Calzoni, Semat and Hydro Energia dedicated to the story of industrial activities, developed projects and the professional skills of people who work…

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