Two ATB 60.28 DD (60 kw) wind turbine, the first of this power produced by ATB Riva Calzoni, were installed. Machines are made with european materials and, from the point of view of engineering and design, represent the best 60 kW wind turbine technology currently available on the market.
Between June and July, the turbines of Lercara Friddi, in the province of Palermo, Sicily, and Cancellara, in the province of Potenza, Basilicata, were installed and networked. In September Two more equipements will be installed in Trapani and Marsala.
The ability to maintain high productivity even with low speed winds is the distinctive feature of ATB Riva Calzoni turbine. This efficiency guarantee and high energy efficiency depend mainly on the technical features of the product: a 28-meter diameter rotor and the hydraulic pitch control system which allows the blades to self-regulate to the power and direction of the wind. The machine is a direct drive and therefore does not use any speed multiplier. Speed variability is guaranteed by a synchronous generator with inverters.
The tower assembly (three sections, turbines and blades) and cabling (cable descent and connections) were completed in two and a half days by the ATB Riva Calzoni’s team and a 120-ton crane.