23rd Animp Congress for the industrial plant production chain

ATB Riva Calzoni is the sponsor of the event, an opportunity of study, market analysis and meeting among the managers of the major EPC contractor.

23rd Animp Congress

Is ready to start a new edition of the conference promoted by the Animp Component Section, an opportunityof study and market analysis among the managers of the major EPC Contractor and suppliers of the plant'ssupply production chain.

Thursday, October 19, at the Assolombarda Auditorium Gio Ponti, via Pantano 9, Milan, will open the debate on market trends focused on the Oil and Gas, chemical, petrochemical and energy sectors, changes in organizational companies structures and purchasing policies.

ATB Riva Calzoni is the sponsor of the conference. Salvatore Poddighe, Oil and Gas Commercial Director of ATB Riva Calzoni, will represent the company and will talk about the case in Nigeria in the section dedicated to the testimonies of Italian SMEs.

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