ATB Riva Calzoni strengthens relations with China in Refining & Petrochemicals World 2017

The company participated with IPM at Beijing Exibition and is currently fabricating four Separators for the Hengli Petrochemical project in Dalian.

Refining & Petrochemicals World 2017

On 13 and 14 November ATB Riva Calzoni attended the 2017 edition of Refining & Petrochemicals World. An event that annually brings together more than 300 oil and gas companies from around the world meeting in the capital of China to develop networking, seek new partnerships and consolidate business relationships in Chinese market.

ATB Riva Calzoni partecipated in the exhibition together with IPM - Italian Petrochemical Manufacturer, a privately owned, international organization specialized in the supply of process equipment and supportive services for industrial plant projects that is ATB’s partner for the Chinese Oil and Gas market.

“The two days in Beijing were an opportunity to meet people and to gather important contacts – said Jacopo Garletti, Proposal Engineer of Pressure Vessels Sales Department to ATB Riva Calzoni -. Participating was a effective way to present the company and to get introduced to a Oil and Gas process equipment market that could offer us interesting.

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