The three new small wind turbines of ATB Riva Calzoni, installed at the end of 2017 on two fields in the Sicilian countryside, in Marsala and Trapani, and on a third plot, in Puglia, in Troia, in the contrada Titoloni, have been connected to the distribution network and will begin to work in the next few days.
The first, an ATB 50.28 DD of 50kW with 28 m rotor diameter and 36 m hub height, was commissioned by Flag Srl and erected on an agricultural site in the contrada of Guarinelle. The other machines, the second in Marsala owned by Anacot SRL and the last in Troia of 2B Investments SRL, are instead two small wind turbines ATB 60.28 DD of 60kW with 28 m rotor diameter and 37 m hub height.
The Sicilian wind power plants, a few kilometers away from each other, are located in a flat area close to the coast with an average wind speed around 5.5 m / s, ideal for producing renewable energy to be put on the grid network. The expected productivity for these two small wind turbines is 200 thousand kW hours per year, the same also for the Apulian site located in the heart of the Dauno sub-Apennines overlooking the Tavoliere delle Puglie.
"After these last three installations of 2017 – explains Marco Corsetti, head of Sales Wind Power Division of ATB Riva Calzoni - we are waiting for the new law decree with the incentive regulation scheme for small wind power in Italy for the next three years period.”