Building Future: school of welding 2018

The initiative will involve ten students in a training course of 240 hours, the most motivated will be included in the company.

School of welding 2018

The goal is to teach ten young people a job very much in great demand from the metalworking industry. By the end of August, the project Building Future, the welding school of ATB Riva Calzoni, promoted in collaboration with Randstad, will begin.

In these days the company's human resources department is meeting the students of the technical institutes looking for ten students, close to the high school graduation, to be involved in a welding course for 240-hour. The lessons will be organized into six modules, theoretical and practical, focused on the world of welding: the standards that regulate it, the machinery and technologies used, the materials and the processes.

"We are looking for ten candidates who want to make this experience - said Astrid Mazzardi, Head of Human Resources at ATBRC - At the end of the two months of training for the most promising and motivated guys we will offer a possibility of inclusion in the company". For more detailed informations: ; .

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