The welding activity continues at the ATB Riva Calzoni’s temporary workshop in Eni refinery in Sannazzaro de' Burgondi, Pavia. In the petrochemical plant site the company is engaged in two oil and gas projects that will lead to the expansion and implementation of the refinery.
The first job, on behalf of Eni Spa, concerns the design, construction, and supply of a D2301n reactor that will serve to increase the refinery's potential, which is currently able to produce more than 10 million tons of crude oil every year. The second job, commissioned by Eni Progetti, will require the engineering and manufacture of two separators to be installed in the so-called EST section (Eni Slurry Technology), an annex of the refinery created in 2013, which using an innovative technology recovers the processing waste to obtain pure products such as naphtha, valuable middle distillates, and diesel oil. The temporary yard that ATB Riva Calzoni set up in January 2018 to simplify the assembly operations of the components for the petrochemical sector and that will remain active until the beginning of 2019.
"We are working in an area assigned by Eni – said Gabriele Campigotto, ATB Riva Calzoni Director of Production - We equipped it with a platform with tracks where we installed two sets of pipe wrenches, 1000 tons each, a submerged arc welding machine able to meet the welding specifications, and all the necessary equipment for the successful outcome of the junctions. The site is organized with three sheds and containers allocated as offices, inspectors' room and visitors area, a small warehouse, and an area for the generators to produce electricity".